Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?

Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?

Even in ancient times, people knew all the health properties of popular green tea. During a lot of years, it was used as strong medicine against different ailments. The benefits of this wonderful drink have already been proven by some international scientists. Popular useful properties of tasty green tea are also attributed to extremely high content of different chemicals. Green tea and fertility are connected too.

It consists of about 500 elements (calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.), 450 types of organic compounds (such as proteins, lipids) and almost all known vitamins. So it's no wonder why this popular drink is so useful. We note only a couple of basic components, which make green tea extremely popular.
First of all, we should mention alkaloids, but the major of them is caffeine. This is why we feel a surge of real strength and also vigor. Nonetheless, caffeine, which is included in green tea, is not in pure form, it is called theine. This component increases efficiency, improves mental and physical activity, however it works much softer than well-known pure caffeine.
Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?
By the way, this drink contains 4-7% of macro and micro elements in its composition. They are necessary for normal functioning of all important body systems. For example, the zinc deficiency always leads to much decreased immunity, often to hair loss and it also damages the nails. When the green tea is used correctly, it is able to solve this problem.

Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?

The catechins also bring benefits to the drink. It is a group of different related components of polyphenols. Even now, these substances are very actively explored by scientists. In medicine, they are usually used in order to prevent the cardiovascular diseases and also cancer.
The benefits of green tea for men
Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?
The green tea and fertility problems are connected, as the first one may solve the second ones. Unfortunately, a lot of men with age catch up with popular unpleasant phenomenon, called decreased potency. However, you should not worry at all, ‘male power’ usually disappears for a while, so then it usually restores. To prevent such bad situation, it is better to take some preventive remedies and to use some available means. For example, the potency teas and especially green, are effective in this case. It has been recognized that the green tea is the tastiest and the most aromatic beverage in the world.

In addition, it has an important positive effect on our human body. It is also proved that impotence cause is the presence of some violations of specific muscles that is situated in the area of the most important male sexual organ. It is a kind of valve, which can specifically block the outflow of blood, which regularly fills the corpora cavernosa. But you should note that it is not possible to train such muscle.
Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?
It needs zinc for normal operation that is contained in green tea in sufficient amount. If you want to achieve the maximum effect, it is better to diversify your everyday diet tea with pistachios, hazelnuts or almonds. They all contain this extremely necessary element - zinc. Note that the production of testosterone (which is male sex hormone) is also affected by zinc presence.
Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?
People know that prolonged work at any computer and also watching TV sets bring serious danger and harm to potency. And drinking green tea with milk can really neutralize the harmful radiation of all these devices, without which we cannot imagine our modern life at all. Among other benefits, green tea with milk also rids the body of all accumulated toxins.
Potency and teas
Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?
What should you do if you (for some reason) cannot drink green tea? You can find a wide range of other helpers! In addition to green tea, there are a few effective tea varieties for potency. The small amount of caffeine is contained in the mate, but it also has a substance called mateine that activates our blood circulation, improves all metabolic processes in our pelvic organs. People think that regular drinking of mate increases the level of male hormone testosterone that is very important for potency.
Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?
An excellent tool in the war against impotence is considered to be Mursalian tea. The result is visible within 10 days after consuming the drink. The wonderful tonic drink is ginger tea. It improves blood circulation fast and thus positively affects the potency.
Do not add mint into your green tea, as it reduces the potency much, but at the same time, it is a wonderful mean for our gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
Green tea and fertility: How are they connected?
It is believed that green tea is harmful to men's health, but it has not been proved by any scientific researches. It is known that green tea lowers the person’s blood pressure and potency problems in 40% of cases happen because of the much elevated pressure.
As you can see, green tea has a lot of benefits for men. The green tea and male fertility are tightly connected. So do not lose your chance to try this method too! And be healthy!

